The best design portfolios of November 2020 made with Semplice
Once a week, we select two portfolios created with Semplice to feature in our Best Of Showcase. Here we’ve collected our favorites from the past month.
Once again we’re here to keep you inspired and motivated. That’s why we’re excited to bring you some fresh picks from our Semplice showcase. In November, we featured websites from design studios, illustrators, art directors, designers, more illustrators, and oh yeah — did we mention illustrators?
Browse the best portfolios of the month below to see fresh new work and get inspired for your own site. And if you’ve created your own portfolio with Semplice, be sure to submit it to our Showcase here. We might feature your site next.
To see more great design portfolios, visit the Semplice showcase. I’ll be back next month with more of our monthly favorites!
Header image by Mathieu Clauss